Get The Trolls Out project update
May 2022
During the month of May 2022 the following articles:
1)“L’islamisme est plus fort en Belgique, car c’est un pays aux multiples fractures” (Islamism is stronger in Belgium, because it is a country with multiple fractures) which was chosen as “The Troll of the month” on the Get Trolls Out roundup articles in May;
2) “Neutralité des services publics : face à l’entrisme islamiste, les trois singes au Parlement bruxellois” (Neutrality of public services: faced with Islamist entryism, the three monkeys in the Brussels Parliament)
3) “Pour la militante et écrivaine Djemila Benhabib, «l’islamophobie est une arnaque” (For activist and writer Djemila Benhabib, “Islamophobia is a scam”)
were the 3 main incidents which European Network on Religion and Belief reported in the framework of Get The Trolls Out! project and also filled complaints through emails and phone calls as we stand against Hate Speech and we stand against discrimination.
If you are interested in knowing more about Get The Trolls Out! project please click below.