Get The Trolls Out project updates

August 2022

During the month of August 2022 the following articles:

1) Salman Rushdie poignardé : 33 ans avant, le double meurtre de la Grande Mosquée de Bruxelles (Salman Rushdie stabbed: 33 years before, the double murder by the Grand Mosque of Brussels)

2) Richard Malka sur Salman Rushdie: «Les gens ne sont pas très courageux» (Richard Malka on Salman Rushdie: «People aren’t very brave»)

3) Salman Rushdie, un écrivain en lutte contre "la mafia des religions" (Salman Rushdie, a writer fighting against "the mafia of religions")

4) La Belgique, terrain préféré des islamistes les plus radicaux? (Belgium, favorite land of the most radical Islamists?

5) Rushdie agressé: «Il faut que les Occidentaux cessent d’être des Occidentaux idiots» (Rushdie assaulted: 'Westerns need to stop being dumb westerners')

6) Attaque de Salman Rushdie : "Rien ne justifie une fatwa, une condamnation à mort", s’indigne Charlie Hebdo (Salman Rushdie attack: "Nothing justifies a fatwa, a death sentence", indignant Charlie Hebdo)

were the 6 main incidents which the European Network on Religion and Belief reported in the framework of Get The Trolls Out! project. Most of these articles are related to the assassination attempt on Salman Rushdie. We stand against it. Unfortunately, Belgian Francophone weaponised this case so as to promote islamophobia and insult Muslims which is unacceptable. Therefore, ENORB filled complaints through emails and phone calls as we stand against Hate Speech and against discrimination.

We promoted our activities in the framework of Get The Trolls Out while attending Summer School held by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) in Krakow, Poland on healing, joy and well-being for anti-racism Activists.

If you are interested in knowing more about Get The Trolls Out! project please click below.