Yvan is a humanist value worker, counsellor, or chaplain at deMens.nu, the Dutch speaking Belgian Humanist organisation. Humanist organisations regroup atheists, freethinkers, secularists, agnostics, rationalists and other non-confessional communities and are officially recognized as a life stance in Belgium, together with six other confessional religious organisations.

Yvan works for the knowledge management service and is specialised in international affairs and inter-convictional diplomacy. He studied Orthopedagogy (social work), and has a Bachelor and Master degrees in Agogy (Societal Change Management), a Master’s in international Conflict and Security, a post-graduate degree in Critical Comparative Studies of Religion/State relationships and is now finalising Higher Studies in Security and Defence. He also took courses in Human Rights, Political Sociology, Business Management and Ethical sciences. Yvan is the Humanist Chaplain at Brussels Airport and a Candidate Reserve Officer for the religious and humanist chaplains in the Belgian Army.

He has been involved in the Humanist Community for more than two decades and is also working in philanthropic organisations such as the Rotary. He is President of Honour of the Studycircle Free Inquiry. His academic research focussed on empowerment and democratic consciousness and later on theo-neurology of religious conflicts. He is also specialised in radical fundamentalism and extreme religious and political systems.

Yvan Dheur